
This is an old revision of the document!


Level Name Species Spawn
1 Fox Animal Caratas & Jerro
1 Hungry Fox Animal Caratas & Jerro
3 Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
3 Hungry Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
4 Gray Fox Animal Caratas & Jerro
4 Hungry Gray Fox Animal Caratas & Jerro
6 Gray Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
8 Young Gray Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
7 Boar Animal Caratas & Jerro
8 Hybrid Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
9 Dirty Boar Animal Caratas & Jerro
10 Black Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
10 Hungry Black Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
12 Dire Wolf Animal Caratas & Jerro
13 Hog Animal Caratas & Jerro
16 Bear Animal Caratas & Jerro
18 Brown Bear Animal Caratas & Jerro
20 Black Bear Animal Caratas & Jerro
22 Lioness Animal Caratas & Jerro
22 Hungry Lioness Animal Caratas & Jerro
24 Lion Animal Caratas & Jerro
24 Hungry Lion Animal Caratas & Jerro
21 Snake Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
24 Green Snake Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
26 Blue Snake Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
27 Centaur CreatureCaratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
27 Dwarf Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
27 Hobit Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
28 Dwelf Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
28 Lizardman Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
29 Centaur Major Creature Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
29 Black Warg Animal Deadland
30 Crocodile Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
30 Dwarf Brawler Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
30 Red Lizardman Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
30 Snake Grande Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
31 Dirty Crocodile Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
31 Fungoid Humanoid Deadland
31 Pestilent Fungoid Humanoid Deadland
32 Aligator Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
33 Black Dwelf Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
33 Dwarf Berserker Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
33 Orc Humanoid Deadland
33 Orc Berserker Humanoid Deadland
34 Dark Elf Soldier Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
34 Infectious Ghoul Undead Deadland
35 Dark Lizardman Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
35 Dark Elf Archer Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
35 Dwarf Elder Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
35 Centaur Chief Creature Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
36 Dark Elf Pikeman Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
36 Dark Elf Swordsman Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
36 Dire Crocodile Animal Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
36 Orc Dog Animal Deadland
37 Dark Elf Gladiator Humanoid MISSING
37 Death Skull Undead Desert
38 Dark Elf Bowman Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
39 Bloody Orc Dog Animal Deadland
39 Scorpion Arthropod Desert
40 Dark Elf Lancer Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
40 Dark Elf Sharpshooter Humanoid Caratas Wasteland & Jerro Highlands
40 Elite Orc Humanoid Deadland
43 Beetle Arthropod Desert
43 Young Beetle Arthropod Desert
44 Deadly Scorpion Arthropod Desert
44 Nightstalker Undead Deadland
44 Undertaker Undead Deadland
45 Beetle Crawler Arthropod Desert
45 Skeleton Undead MISSING
45 Skeleton Archer Undead MISSING
45 Young Beetle Crawler Arthropod Desert
46 Starved Vampire Undead Deadland
46 Vampire Undead Deadland
47 Gorgon Creature Desert
48 Beetle Flyer Arthropod Desert
48 Giant Beetle Crawler Arthropod Desert
48 Mean Beetle Flyer Arthropod Desert
49 Ice Wolf Animal Ice Land
49 Manticora Creature Deadland
49 Infected Manticora Creature Deadland
49 Polar Bear Creature Ice Land
50 Beetle Queen Arthropod Desert
50 Giant Beetle Queen Arthropod Desert
50 Mean Beetle Queen Arthropod Desert
50 Rotten Skeleton Undead MISSING
50 Rotten Skeleton Archer Undead MISSING
51 Killer Gorgon Creature Desert
51 White Lion Animal Ice Land
51 White Lioness Animal Ice Land
53 Harpy Humanoid Ice Land
53 Watcher Creature Ice Land
54 Hell Skull Undead Desert
54 Volcrete Humanoid Desert
55 Cold Harpy Humanoid Ice Land
55 Frozen Harpy Humanoid Ice Land
55 Mummy Undead Pyramid
55 Skeleton Sharpshooter Undead MISSING
55 Skeleton Warrior Undead MISSING
56 Death Knight Undead Pyramid
57 Revenant Undead Pyramid
58 Gazer Undead Ice Land
58 Mind Reader Creature Ice Land
58 Ogre Humanoid Ice Land
59 Cold Ogre Humanoid Ice Land
59 Frosty Ogre Humanoid Ice Land
60 Skeleton Sorceress Undead MISSING
60 Skeleton Warlord Undead MISSING
60 Volcrete Champion Humanoid Desert
62 Dragonhide Dragon Ice Land
63 Exterminator Dragon Ice Land
64 Slaughterer Dragon Ice Land
65 Ice Golem Creature Ice Land

Special Monster

Level Name Species Spawn
43 Troll Creature MISSING
50 Werewolf Creature MISSING
55 Skeleton King Undead MISSING
60 Darkness Warlord Undead MISSING
65 Demon Lord Demon MISSING
66 Frost Golem Creature Ice Land
72 Hydra Dragon Ice Land
  • menu_monster.1612152290.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/02/01 04:04
  • by viciousgmr