===== Update - 05.27.2020 ===== ^ New Features ^ | • New & improved dagger animations for the assassin | | • Improved input handling, skills now interrupt automatic attacking for example | | • Skills now auto-target an enemy pointed at by the mouse if no target is selected | | • Map now contains area names on some maps (more to be added in a future update) | | • Added an indicator to the hud that shows when you're in a "safe zone" where no combat is allowed | ^ Changes ^ | • Miscellanious small map improvements on jerro/caratas and jerro/caratas city | ^ Balance updates ^ | • Gold bonus now influences the amount of gold per gold pile instead of the chance for a gold pile to drop | ^ Bugfixes ^ | • Fixed an edge case that caused some skills to cause any actions right after to desync with the server (e.g. Wizards Impact, half demons Demon Smash) |