====== Karma System ======
==== General Information ====
In Inferna, you earn karma for good deeds. To increase your karma points, kill monsters or simply spend time in the game.
* If you have **positive** karma, you earn 12 karma points per minute.
* If you have **negative** karma, you earn 150 karma points per minute.
Another way to accumulate karma points is by using consumable items available in the game. This will be shown later in this article.
If you kill players from your kingdom (using the Aggressive Mode), you will receive negative karma.
You can view your karma points in the status window by pressing the "**C**" button.
{{ :karma_status.png?nolink&400 |}}
**Negative karma** causes the following:
* **Loss** of items when you die.
* **Reduction** in drop rate.
==== Karma Status ====
^ Karma Rank ^ From ^ To ^ Bonus Drop ^
| Noble | 200000 | 500000 | 5% |
| Good | 100000 | 199999 | 4% |
| Helpful | 50000 | 99999 | 3% |
| Friendly | 10000 | 49999 | 1% |
| Neutral | 0 | 9999 | 0% |
| Aggressive | -1 | -49999 | -1% |
| Deceitful | -50000 | -99999 | -4% |
| Malicious | -100000 | -199999 | -4% |
| Cruel | -200000 | -500000 | -5% |
==== Karma Items ====
^Images^ Item ^Info |
|{{ :root_01.png?nolink&40 |}} | Bodhy Root\\ (**Item Shop**) |A spiritual root that allows you to grow beyond your past mistakes and cleanse your conscience.\\ **Removes** all negative karma. |
|{{ :plant_36.png?nolink&40 |}} | Bodhy Fruit |A spiritual fruit that allows you to grow beyond your past mistakes and cleanse your conscience.\\ **Removes** 5000 negative karma points. |