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demon_smash [2023/10/18 21:28] yolok1ckdemon_smash [2024/05/01 18:10] – created yolok1ck
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-==== Physical ====+<nav type="tabs" justified="true"> 
 +  * [[sword_prowess|Krieger]] 
 +  * [[shadow_aura|Halbdämon]] 
 +  * [[focus_arrow|Assassine]] 
 +  * [[magic_attack|Magier]] 
 +<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP half column> 
 +Physisch \\ 
 +[[shadow_aura|Schattenaura]] \\ 
 +[[blade_of_darkness|Schattenklinge]] \\ 
 +[[demon_smash|Dämonenangriff]] \\ 
 +[[demonic_chains|Dämonische Ketten]] \\ 
 +[[strike_of_darkness|Dunkler Bann]] \\ 
 +<WRAP half column> 
 +Magisch \\ 
 +[[:dark_flame|Dunkle Flamme]] \\ 
 +[[:mana_shield|Manaschild]] \\ 
 +[[:dispair|Verzweiflung]] \\ 
 +[[:demonic_strike|Dämonischer Schlag]] \\ 
 +[[:fire_spirits|Geisterflamme]] \\ 
 +[[:orb_of_darkness|Sphäre der Dunkelheit]] 
 ---- ----
-<WRAP tabs+<WRAP centeralign
-  * [[shadow_aura|Shadow Aura]] +===== Dämonenangriff =====
-  * [[blade_of_darkness|Blade of Darkness]] +
-  * [[demon_smash|Demon Smash]] +
-  * [[demonic_chains|Demonic Chains]] +
-  * [[strike_of_darkness|Strike of Darkness]] +
-  * [[shadow_blast|Shadow Blast]]+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-=== Demon Smash === 
 ---- ----
 __**All values are recorded on Level 60, WITHOUT equipment and with maximal Character Status - VIT: 3; INT: 5; STR: 5; DEX: 3!**__ __**All values are recorded on Level 60, WITHOUT equipment and with maximal Character Status - VIT: 3; INT: 5; STR: 5; DEX: 3!**__
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 ^ MP cost: | 96 MP | 260 MP | | | ^ MP cost: | 96 MP | 260 MP | | |
-==== Videos ==== 
  • demon_smash.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:21
  • by yolok1ck